Site Stabilization Agreement

The agreement is between the undersigned contractors and the unions carrying out this work. For more information on the INL Site Stabilization Agreement, contact the On-Site Work Coordinator at (208) 524-4404. Frequently asked questions and answers can be found here. Construction work at the Idaho Falls facility is not subject to these agreements. All work done at the Vit factory is carefully regulated. Under these regulations, the Hanford Site Stabilization Agreement (HSSA) was created to ensure that all parties have fair terms and conditions of employment. For more information, see the following documents. INL is always looking for companies qualified as partners in the realization of our missions. All companies must be registered on the INL supplier portal. Small businesses must be registered in System for Awards Management before registering on the INL Supplier Portal. The steps to register as an INL provider are listed below. INL operates under a management and operations agreement with the Department of Energy and, as such, the Davis-Bacon Act applies to $2,000 contracts for the construction, alteration or repair (including painting and decoration) of buildings or work at INL.

Construction work on the laboratory site, which is covered by the Davis-Bacon Act, is also subject to the INL`s Site Stabilization Agreement (SSA). These site areas include all areas within the 890 square mile boundary, including the materials and fuel complex, the central facilities area, the advanced test reactor, the radioactive waste management complex, and the specific manufacturing capacity. For more information, please contact Kathy Vargas, Industrial Relations, at INL`s construction program is committed to ”zero accidents” and works with companies that support this philosophy through management commitment and a strong safety culture. Contractors must ensure that all work is carried out in a safe, compliant and environmentally responsible manner. The INL`s goal is to achieve and maintain ”zero accidents” through continuous improvement practices. Contractors accept the INL DOE-approved worker safety and health program as their own or certify that they have a doe-approved independent worker safety and health program. .