Strong Verb Statements

At the end of this article, I suggest a list of 249 live verbs that you can experiment with to replace tired. The thesaurus is your friend. Use a thesaurus to find more accurate alternatives to weak verbs. Brilliant as always Henneke. I will save this article to access it. What a great way to introduce the concept of strong verbs without it sounding like a boring lecture. I`ve had to read about this concept 100 times, but never in such a fun way to read! This post woke me up today. I love him. In fact, I remove strong, simple words from my readings and keep them on lists of words and ideas to spice up my writings.

Anyone who is willing to persuade must devour strong words. Wow, what a great resource. For a non-native speaker like me, this is very useful. I will try to use more of these verbs in my writing, but also when I speak. Good vocabulary (and verbs) determines how people see us, better to be good and strong! Awesome! I bookmark this article. I will read it again and again to keep reminding myself how to energize my writing with strong verbs. You write down your sentence designs first without having to worry about the grammar and types of words you use. Only when editing, you will be careful to remove adverbs and adjectives and replace weak words with stronger ones. You may find these blog posts useful with some editing techniques: Wowza. This one confused, blown away and another cool verb that starts with B. I`m writing an article about Power Writing and Power Verbs is a section. I have to refer to this excellent article.

Action verbs can also make it easier to read your resume. What a nice comment. Thank you, Kate! And I love the verb ”to spice up.” Excellent choice! 🙂 Pro Tip: Action verbs for using resumes can backfire if you use them incorrectly. Make sure you understand the powerful words you use. For example, the action verb ”lawyer” evokes the feeling of someone who is willing to passionately support their relationships throughout their career growth, and that`s the kind of energy I want to see. ”So, let`s be a little more creative, right? The next time you update your resume, replace some of these common words and phrases with strong, compelling action verbs that grab the attention of hiring managers. Your first clue is your own discomfort with a sentence. There is a good chance that it contains a verb that induces repetition.

Something to keep in mind – powerful words, action words, action verbs, etc. are synonymous. So don`t be surprised to see that we use them interchangeably in this article! Another example is: ”have been developed”. The active voice of this verb would simply be ”developed”. By changing your wording, you increase the readability of your resume and attract the reader better…