The 4 Agreements Collection

One downside of the book is that some of the chords are too extreme, and if you take them literally, they can cause additional problems in your life if taken without a proverbial grain of salt. However, with a little balance and a sense of openness, these chords can each be transformative and relieve stress. Here is a statement on each of the four agreements. Although the chords are sometimes oversimplified, this is still a great little book with heavy ideas. Focusing on one of these agreements can greatly improve your life and reduce stress. Focusing on all four can really change many people`s lives. If followed in a general and non-fanatical way, these suggestions can help you reduce a large amount of stress by helping you avoid thought and behavior patterns that cause frustration, blame, hurt feelings, and other negative emotions. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz is a wonderful book for stress management and personal growth. It is written in simple language, but covers complex topics that can help you fundamentally change your life. While it`s good to be conscientious about how you use your words, it can be difficult to fully follow this agreement.

However, it is a great goal to achieve and a good direction to achieve. Ruiz, DM. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. San Rafael: Amber Allen Verlag; 1997. Emily is a fact-checker, editor and writer with experience in psychological content. What it entails: A lot of stress can be created if you assume you know what others are thinking without talking to them. Understanding that other people may have other motivations for their actions, even radically deviating from your worldviews, and remembering to really try to understand others and discuss those motivations before jumping to conclusions about their behavior can go a long way in preventing interpersonal conflict. The Four Agreements reveal the source of self-limiting beliefs that deprive us of joy and cause unnecessary suffering. The Mastery of Love sheds light on fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. The voice of Knowledge reminds us of a deep and simple truth: the only way to end our emotional suffering and restore our joie de vivre is to stop believing lies, mainly ourselves. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers and was raised in rural Mexico by a mother Curandera (healer) and a grandfather Nagual (shaman).

The family expected Miguel to accept their centuries-old legacy of healing and teaching and continue Toltec esoteric knowledge. Instead, distracted from modern life, Miguel decided to go to medical school and become a surgeon. A near-death experience changed his life. Stunned by this experience, he began an intense practice of self-exploration. He devoted himself to mastering ancient ancestral wisdom, studied seriously with his mother, and completed an apprenticeship with a powerful shaman in the Mexican desert. In the tradition of the Toltecs, a Nagual leads an individual to personal freedom. Don Miguel is a Nagual of the Eagle Knight lineage and is dedicated to sharing his knowledge of the teachings of the ancient Toltecs. He is the author of The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love and The Four Agreements Companion Book. Not making assumptions is a good suggestion, but it should be mitigated by inner wisdom and common sense. While it`s important to let go of much of your concerns about the opinions of others, some comments need to be taken into account and the needs of others should also be respected. Don`t give up on the work of discriminating responsibilities, or you can create more stress in the long run. What it means: By this, Ruiz means doing your best at all times so as not to regret it.

Some days, your best isn`t as good as other days, and that`s okay. As long as you make an honest effort in life, you will have nothing to be ashamed of and you will not fight for a less than remarkable achievement in retrospect. Peck, SM. The least taken path: a new psychology of love, traditional values and spiritual growth. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster; 2012. Enter your mobile phone number or email address below and we`ll send you a link to download the free Kindle app. Then you can read Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet or computer – no Kindle device required. Things to watch out for: This is good advice for everyone and can help you make more progress toward your goals and avoid unnecessary feelings of regret.

What it entails: This agreement deals with avoiding gossip, lies, empty promises, and other ways we cause problems with our words. Just say what you want to say and realize that you can do harm if you don`t pay attention to what you say. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Things to watch out for: Many people don`t realize the power of their words and don`t see the harm that can be caused by careless, thoughtless, or aggressive speech. Most of us are aware that yelling at someone can be annoying for them, but small subtle digs on them or gossip behind their backs can hurt others more than we think, and by hurting them, we hurt ourselves. Although everyone has their biases and there is no true objectivity, by never taking anything personally, you can really limit your ability to see your own negative patterns and biased thoughts and work to develop healthier patterns and lucid thinking. As Mr. Scott Peck says in The Road Less Traveled, ”The problem of distinguishing between who we are and what we are not responsible for in this life is one of the greatest problems in human existence.” Things to watch out for: Taking this advice to the extreme can cause you to ignore your intuition about people or common sense about someone`s behavior that hurts you personally.

It can also open you up to manipulation if you practice believing someone`s explanation for negative behavior instead of judging the behavior yourself. An example of this in action might be, for example, not believing that you are being scammed if your partner exhibits erratic behavior and the classic signs of infidelity, but he or she vehemently denies any wrongdoing. Collections: Books to optimize body, mind and soul, don Miguel Ruiz, gift ideas for women The four chords:Toltec Wisdom CollectionToltec Wisdom Collectionby DON MIGUEL RUIZAvailability: Usually shipped within 2 to 3 working daysFormat: Complete set of 3 books This set of three books by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz offers his most famous works: What it entails: This concept deals with understanding how the behavior of others is just a reflection of them. When someone gives us feedback about our behavior or about us as human beings, it`s important to remember that no opinion is truly objective. We all have our prejudices, our filters through which we look at the world. For this reason, we should not consider someone else`s view of ourselves or our actions to be completely correct. When someone says something about us, they really say something about themselves and how they see the world. .